Many students have already had problems with personal debt. We consider how this will affect their ability to get the student loans necessary to support them through university. Student loans now play a major part in providing the finance that students require to maintain their living expenses while at university. However, if you have had difficulties repaying debt in the past, you may be concerned about whether or not you will be granted a student loan. Loans provided through the Student Loans Company are not dependant on past credit history.

Student loans company loans are provided on a non commercial basis as part of the government's strategy for funding higher education. As such, as long as the course you are studying meets the criteria for student loan availability, you will be eligible for a loan whether you already have a poor credit rating or not.

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Other finances may be restricted

Of course, some of the other financial help and facilities which are available to students through commercial banks may not be available if you have a poor credit history.

The decision of high street banks about whether or not to offer you facilities such as a student overdraft and the option of a credit card will be influenced by the way you have repaid credit in the past. If your past credit history is poor for whatever reason, you may well find that you are refused these facilities. Repaying debt after graduation Repaying debt after you graduate is more difficult than you might think. The average debt which a graduate will build up over three years of university life is now c£23,000. If you are lucky enough to find the job you want after graduation, repaying your student debts will not be easy.

Working life has associated costs which are far greater than those that you experience at university. Accommodation, clothing and entertainment costs all generally increase. It is therefore very difficult to save money to repay debt.
It is also important to realise that if you do start to struggle financially as a graduate, you will be unable to tackle Student loans company debt in the same way as other commercial debts.

A student loan from the student loans company cannot be written off using debt management solutions such as an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) or bankruptcy.
If you are planning to go to university but already have a poor credit rating because of debt problems incurred in the past, this will not affect your ability to get a student loan through the student loans company.

These loans are available for all students registered on a qualifying course.
Living within a sensible budget is a key message for all students. If you can graduate from university with debts which are manageable, this will pay huge dividends when starting out in the world of work.

Student Supports

Individuals with special learning needs are guaranteed special supports in elementary and high school by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. However, in college, no such guaranteed protections exist. Therefore, students need to work congenially with colleges to obtain reasonable accommodations that will facilitate their success.
It is best to have psychological and/or educational testing that was completed less than 3 years before applying to college because colleges usually demand recent testing to support a petition for accommodations.
Students will need to inform the college of their educational needs by registering with the office on campus that is in charge of reviewing and granting accommodations. This office goes by names such as Disabled Student Support Services or Office of Special Services.
Typical "reasonable accommodations" that colleges may decide to grant include:

  1. Extra time to take tests

  2. Providing a note taker

  3. Taking tests in a separate room

  4. Test read orally to the student and/or the student's answers

  5. transcribed or typed

  6. Use of tape recorder to record lectures